Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's good that I'm not a boy

Here's a funny story for you:

So yesterday I had the bright idea to take Devin out on a date. And when I asked him and he got all excited and his eyes lit up and all, I knew that it was about time for that. So I spent waaaay more time than I want to admit planning out this date (the theme was "weird stuff in st louis that we've never done) and I was fairly proud of myself. Course, I was late (what else is new...). We went to this really random old restaurant with fireplaces everywhere which was cool and then we went to a chocolate bar. Girls, if you're ever in St. Louis, we've gotta go to this place. It was so weird/cool. Red walls and red lights. Kind of perpetually Valentine's Day. Then...we went to this bar where a blues band was playing. They were HORRIBLE. Haha, and one of the singers was licking the microphone. Not to mention that one of the guitarists was staring at me and trying to get me to dance with him the whole time. awkward. And then we almost crossed a physical boundary of ours. By that I mean, one of our boundaries is that I won't kill him. And I got lost and went the wrong way on a one-way street down by Soulard. hahahahaha...In the end there's grace however, and he sent me the most precious email about how much fun it was.

I like that boy.

In other news, today I was thinking a lot about Hosea 2 and listening to Johnny P's sermon on it. At the end it says, "you will call me 'my husband' and no longer 'my baal.'" Johnny P was saying how often we think "loving God" is just serving Him and we miss out on the intimacy of having a God who can be called "my husband." Ahhh I know how that is. I'm praying that I will experience that kind of intimacy with my God. The kind that says "my husband" and not only "my master."

Love you guys.

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