Friday, December 19, 2008

I just thought I'd put up here what I was thinking about in my quiet time this morning. This is my response to reading Galatians 2:1-16.

I love laws. It’s kind of a weird, love/hate relationship, but I love them. It’s easy for me to create them and keep them, waaaay easier for me to love the Lord my God with all my heart soul mind and strength. Because of this, sometimes I think it’s easier for me to be like Peter and just try to force people to live by a standard rather than really spurring them on to love and good deeds. So how do I do that? Point people to Christ rather than just behavior modification? Well I suppose that it starts with me loving Christ with all my heart and not just looking to behavior mod. The thing is, I was never justified by the law. If the law is my scale, than I am dead. Sentenced to an eternity in hell apart from God, and therefore all that is good. It’s so hard to accept that it’s only by Christ’s sacrifice that I am justified. Oh Lord, please plant this idea firmly in my heart so that I don’t lead others astray. Father, their hypocrisy led even Barnabas astray; I don’t want my disciples to learn from me that what’s important is appearing good, following a certain set of rules. But rather, let me preach justification by faith alone and obedience as a response to the immense love I have for you. God I pray that I would be so caught up in you, madly and deeply in love with the only One who really knows me and loves me completely, that I would obey you in love. I pray that people would be challenged to love you more and to have more faith in you after they spend time with me…not that they would be challenged to work harder to earn your favor.

1 comment:

  1. yo. this gives me great vision (aha...) for what i want my time with people to look like: "I pray that people would be challenged to love you more and to have more faith in you after they spend time with me…not that they would be challenged to work harder to earn your favor." good stuff sister.

    love you.
